Who We Are & What We Believe
We are a diverse people who are fully devoted to Jesus and are taking His life-changing message into the world.
To know the Lord more and more every day, to radically love the people in our community and world, and to consistently share the story of Jesus.
Core Beliefs:
God: There is one God who is the creator, sustainer, and ruler of the entire universe.
God has clearly made Himself known through all that He has made so that mankind can be certain of His reality. He is eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus: The clearest picture of God that has been given to mankind is found in Jesus.
He is called “Son of God” and “Son of Man,” and is therefore both fully God and fully man. He was born by a miraculous virgin birth, lived a sinless life, gave His life on a cross to take the punishment of all wrongdoing in the world and rose to life three days later; just as He said that He would. His resurrection proves His identity and shows His authority to provide forgiveness, give life, and call the world to obedience. Jesus will return to the earth to bring ultimate deliverance for those who belong to Him and ultimate punishment for His enemies.
The Bible: In the Bible we find the framework by which we can rightly interpret all things in life.
The 66 books of this literary work were written down under the direction of God by the hands of men. The message of the Scriptures is inerrant, meaning unpolluted and without fault. The words of the Bible are timeless, meaning that they remain relevant to all generations. Through the Bible we receive truth about all things pertaining to humanity, God, and the world’s relation to God.
Humanity: Mankind is in need of a savior.
Out of all that was created, humans have been given a superior status as image bearers of God along with the sacred privilege of being in close relationship with God. However, we have become enemies of God by neglecting His standards and ignoring His presence. Because of this, our identity and relationship with God have been deeply damaged. There is nothing we can do on our own to be made right with God and are therefore destined to a life apart from Him.
Salvation: We are saved by the grace of God.
Those who receive the grace of God by placing faith in Jesus are brought back into a right relationship with God and given new life from the inside out. This decision of faith is demonstrated by being baptized in water, which identifies a believer with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Those who place faith in Him are filled with His Spirit, Who helps us as we strive to think, speak and live like Christ. Therefore, the image of God is being restored in everyone who is submitting to Him as Lord and trusting Him as Savior.
The Church: Those who are saved belong to the Church.
The Church is called “The Bride of Christ,” pointing to the truth that Christ Jesus dearly loves, cherishes, and is committed to the Church the way a faithful husband is to his wife. The Church is global and is made up of all believers throughout the world. God speaks to His Church, comforts His Church, and empowers His Church to share the good news of new life that comes by the grace of God through faith in Jesus.
The End: One day Jesus will judge the world and everyone will bow before Him.
Those who have placed faith in Him will enjoy paradise with Him forever while those who have rejected Him will be completely cut off from His goodness and presence. God has already marked the day on the calendar that the end will come. Jesus didn’t say when. He didn’t say exactly how. He just said “Be Ready.”